Baby Steps - These are the Things Daddies Miss While at Work

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And, no, Henrik can't do anything without yelling.


Tyler said...

He walks like a man! we're such proud in-laws.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Henrik! He is so cute!

Renee said...

Look at him go!

Lisa said...

Hi Amanda, it's Scott Sonnenberg. Crazy, huh?! Time flies!! My wife is totally into blogging and we love trying to track down old friends...and there you were. You have a beautiful family!! We've got 3 of our own and you can see what we've been up to at We're in Chicago. If you or your family are ever out this way and want to catch a Bulls game(I'm in Marketing) then let me know. Let's see, I'm still in Chicago and still in basketball...guess things haven't changed that much :). Give your family my best. Take care.