Henrik D Coleman - Offspring #3

Monday, March 10, 2008

In an attempt to not short the youngest of our three children with blog exposure we decided to dedicate an entire post just to Henrik. So here he is. Lets start at the beginning. He was born at our home on Nov. 17, '07 and came in at 9 lbs. 10.5 ozs. and 23 inches. (yes, Amanda is a warrior - no anesthesia!) Here is a picture taken an hour after his birth (we have other pics, but they aren't "decent") and two taken about a week later.

That isn't a typo in the post title. His middle name is just the letter "D". This is a tribute to my grandfather Clinton D Ray. With all of our kids we've used their middle names to pay homage to relatives. We anticipate Henrik will be asked the question - "what does the D stand for?" for his entire life - so be it. I've had to explain that Aaron is my middle name and Bradley is my first name but I've always been called Aaron... yes, it gets annoying, and we wanted at least one child to also experience the pleasure of having to explain their name repeatedly. As for the name Henrik, we just like it, so deal. (we managed to take a few pictures without having the siblings jumping into the shot... We'll call these (1) Holy Cow; (2) I'm happy, but please change my diaper; and (3) Henrik, aka "The Yapper")

As of now Henrik likes bouncing around the room in his bouncer. That's about it. (yes, this bouncer once held our very own Keveezie T. Please see link-->) He's pretty much a happy baby with quite a personality. He's been very patient with his mother and her obsession with finding the "perfect" baby carrier. Its a miracle that he hasn't dislocated any joints thus far. He also loves his brother and sister, even though Noelle tends to enjoy giving him aggressive hugs that smother him.


Emily Ruth said...

Mmmmk. Your kids are DE-Licious. I know. Kinda weird that I have that inclination.
I'm so glad your family has joined Blogger-land!

slymer said...

No freakin anesthesia? WHY? Mine wore off with Liam and let me tell you, that was bad enough! Holy Cow! I need the whole story on why the home birth, etc.. Yikes!